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Wednesday 12 February 2014

Islam 312: Is It Okay To Masturbate While Fasting?

I understand that some people have questions about this, so I went on the Internet and did some research about it. Here's what I found (and for those who are addicted to masturbation, you won't like this, but it's what's best for you! Moreover, masturbation is a grave sin! I pray that you find the will to stop it. Everything is possible if you BELIEVE!):

1. About seven years ago I intentionally invalidated my fast for several days during the month of Ramadan by masturbating. However, I do not know for sure how many days of fasting I violated in this way during the course of three Ramadans. I do not think they were less than 25 to 30 days. What is my obligation and the kaffarah that I should make? 

A: Invalidating a day''s fast in the blessed month of Ramadan by masturbating, which is prohibited by Islamic law, requires one kind of kaffarah:

(1)fasting for sixty days; or (2)feeding sixty poor persons, although it is a recommended precaution to observe both of the two. As far as feeding sixty persons is concerned, you can give each of them one mudd (750 grams) of food for each day missed. Giving money is not a substitute unless it is given to a poor person to buy food on your behalf; thus, his acceptance to buy the food for himself is considered as kaffarah. Determining the price of the food given as kaffarah depends on the kind of food you choose to give, either in the shape of wheat, rice, or any other kind of food. As for the number of fasts you invalidated by masturbating, you are allowed in performing its qada and giving kaffarah to consider the number of days that you are certain about.

2. A person bound by religious obligation [mukallaf], knowing that masturbation does invalidate the fast, and does masturbate; does he have to offer the two-fold kaffarah? What is the rule if he does it without knowing that masturbation invalidates the fast? 

A: In both cases he must offer just one kind of kaffarah, if he masturbates intentionally, although it is a recommended precaution to observe the two fold kaffarah.

3. I had an emission of semen during the blessed month of Ramadan for no reason other than excitement that I felt during a telephone conversation with a non-mahram woman. If the phone conversation was not for the purpose of pleasure, was my fast invalid? And if it was, do I have to pay kaffarah as well? 

A: If it was not a previous habit of yours to have an emission of semen while conversing with a woman, and the phone conversation was not intended for pleasure and the emission was involuntary, then your fast is valid, and you are not liable to anything.

4. A person had the habit of masturbating for a number of years while fasting in the month of Ramadan and at other times. What is the rule regarding his prayers and fasts? 

A: Masturbation is absolutely prohibited, and when it leads to ejaculation it causes one to become in the state of major impurity [junub]. If this done during fasting, it amounts to breaking the fast by unlawful means. If one performs prayers and fasts in the state of major impurity [janabah], without performing major ablution [ghusl] or dry ablution [tayammum], his prayers and fasting are void and he must make them up [do their qada].

5. Someone at the beginning of legal maturity [bulugh] fasts during the month of Ramadan, and masturbates while fasting, continuing in fasting for some days without knowing that fasting requires a state of purity [taharah], that is not being in the state of major impurity [janabah]. Is it sufficient for him to perform qada of the fasts of those days, or some other rule applies to him? 

A: In the light of the question, he has to perform both qada and kaffarah.

6. If someone who is fasting looks at a sexually arousing scene during the month of Ramadan, does it void his fast? 

A: If he looks with the purpose of having an orgasm, or if he knows that it will cause him to become in the state of major impurity [junub], and it had been his habit before, and still he views it intentionally and becomes junub, then the rule that applies to him is the one that applies to someone who makes himself junub intentionally.



I happened to had masturbated while I was fasting during ramadan. Then I read in one of islamic question/answer column in a newspaper that the act of masturbation invalidate the fasting but no "kaffara" is required i.e. freeing a slave or fasting for 60 days. Is this true?
The other question is that at that time I did not know that kaffara is not required so I ate (I though my fasting is invalid so I ate). does this will make me do the kaffara or not. JazakaAllah for the response.

Praise be to Allaah.

No doubt masturbation is haraam according to most of the scholars, as Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said. If this happened in Ramadaan, this is worse, and if there was ejaculation of sperm because of the masturbation, the violation of the sanctity of the fast is even more severe in sin. From the time the maniy (semen) is ejaculated, the fast is broken, but the person should still fast for the rest of that day. It is not permissible for him to stop fasting, because of the sanctity of the month. You have to repent for breaking your fast by deliberately ejaculating, and you also have to repent for not keeping the fast for the rest of the day and for violating the sanctity of the fast by doing something else that broke the fast, namely eating food. You also have to fast one day to make up for breaking your fast. Increase the number of good deeds (hasanaat) you do and observe naafil (supererogatory) fasts, for good deeds (hasanaat) cancel out bad deeds (sayi’aat). And Allaah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


Sister masturbated whilst fasting
Question: When I was 14 and 15 years old I used to masturbate during the day in the Blessed month of Ramadhaan for a number of days. I don't know how many. I was ignorant about this being haraam in Ramadhaan and other than it and I used to be ignorant as to this being known as masturbation. So, I used to make ablution and pray without making the ritual purification (ghusl). What is the ruling regarding my prayers and fasts? Is it obligatory for me to repeat the prayer and fast, knowing that I don't know how many days to do this. What is obligatory for me?

Response: Firstly: it is impermissible (haraam) to masturbate (i.e. using one's hand in such a manner as to satisfy one's desire, resulting in the excrement of sperm, or for sisters, as in this case, any discharge). During the month of Ramadhaan is even more so!;

Secondly: It is obligatory upon you to make up the days you broke your fast due to masturbating, because this (action) nullifies the fast. Also, strive hard to work out how many days it was that you broke your fast;

Thirdly: It is obligatory to make expiation by feeding a needy person half a saa' of barley or that which is similar to it from that which is the accepted norm in the land. This is also for each day you missed if you delay your fast until the arrival of the next Ramadhaan;

Fourthly: It is obligatory to make perform ghusl if you masturbated as you have stated, and it is not sufficient to make ablution if any liquid was excreted;

Fifthly: It is obligatory to make up the prayers which you prayed without performing ghusl because the minor purification does not suffice in place of the major purification.

And with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.


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